Bushfire information and resources for visitors to the Adelaide Hills.
There is a fire burning at Mylor near the South Eastern Freeway just south of the Verdun turnoff, Hahndorf. Threat is currently reduced, but you can continue to monitor the situation on the Country Fire Service website and Facebook page.
Visitors to the Adelaide Hills (and indeed any region in South Australia) should be alert to the possibility of bushfire, particularly during the summer months and on days with high temperatures, wind and low humidity. Please know your risk and what you need to do to stay safe in the event of a fire.
The Adelaide Hills is contained within the Mount Lofty Ranges Fire Ban District. This is District 2 on the South Australian Country Fire Service Website.
The South Australian Country Fire Service Website is the best source of information on current incidents, warnings, fire danger ratings and fire bans. You can also use the CFS Facebook page (@CountryFireService) and CFS Twitter account (@CFSAlerts) to stay informed. Further bushfire safety information is available by contacting the Bushfire Information Hotline on 1800 362 361 (TTY 13 36 77) or on local radio (emergency radio broadcasts on ABC Adelaide 891 AM) - you may need a battery-powered radio in case power supply is disrupted.
Traffic SA website - for road closures in the case of bushfire
South Australian fire danger ratings are outlined on the South Australian Country Fire Service website. Please use caution when visiting the Adelaide Hills on catastrophic, extreme and severe fire danger days in particular, and note that some attractions including the Mount Lofty Botanic Garden and National/Conservation Parks may be closed on such days.
During the Fire Danger Season, generally from 15 November or 1 December to 30 April, there are strict conditions for lighting any fire, including a campfire. On Total Fire Ban Days all fires are banned. Visitors should familiarise themselves with and abide by restrictions (see the South Australian Country Fire Service website) as heavy penalties apply for causing a fire in South Australia.